
What to play this weekend (May 6-8)

It's a slow week when the biggest new release can't even be played online.

By | May 8th, 2011|2 Comments

Review: Crysis 2’s great controls can’t save it

"Crysis 2" looks stunning, and its controls could revolutionize sci-fi first-person shooters. It's too bad, then, that what should be a fun multiplayer game is undermined by a convoluted, single-player story and level design that fails to match the abilities of the game's supersoldier hero.

By | May 4th, 2011|2 Comments

Preview: Deus Ex Human Revolution

Eidos Montreal's upcoming cyberpunk shooter/role-playing game promises multiple endings, several different ways to tackle obstacles and an intriguing social interaction system.

By | May 3rd, 2011|0 Comments

What I played (April 17-May 1)

Over the past two weeks, I've mostly been playing games I reviewed or intended to review, but I managed to sneak in some "Gears of War 3" beta and start "Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga," a role-playing game that more folks should be talking about.

By | May 2nd, 2011|0 Comments

Sony to offer help with credit monitoring

Sony's public apology for the PlayStation Network data breach and service outage included a line suggesting the company will help customers with credit monitoring, a fact that's wrongly taken a back seat to promises of free games in many news outlets covering video games.

By | May 1st, 2011|0 Comments

What to play this weekend (April 29-May 1)

It's a pretty slow week, with "Darkspore" on the PC looking for a good bet for fans of "Diablo"-style hack-and-slash. Just don't go in expecting an epic story.

By | April 30th, 2011|0 Comments

Ever kept an audio diary?

Whether you're a titan of industry, a maverick social revolutionary or just a space Marine about to die, if you're a video game character in a modern action title, there's a good chance that at some point you sat down to dictate your innermost thoughts to a machine. Then you set the tape down somewhere, walked off and forgot about it.

By | April 29th, 2011|0 Comments

Review: Portal 2 matches the hype

"Portal 2" has considerably more expectations put on it than its low-key predecessor, yet it equals or surpasses the original in nearly every way.

By | April 28th, 2011|0 Comments

Preview: Darkspore, releasing today

A few quick thought on “Darkspore,” which releases today, based on a sit-down, hands-on preview I had recently.

By | April 26th, 2011|0 Comments

Preview: Shadows of the Damned

This Japanese "road movie set in hell" features a Mexican rockabilly-type trying to rescue his girl from the clutches of a demon. It's stylish as all get-out, and that's the draw. Here are a few thoughts I had after playing two early sections of the game and chatting for a few minutes with Grasshopper Manufacture bigwig Suda51.

By | April 25th, 2011|0 Comments